Admission Form
We welcome you and your children to RF School. Our faculty and staff are committed to ensuring that we have a welcoming and safe community for all students. We know that students will find many exciting things at our school. The RF School admission process is about finding the right fit. You need to feel that RF School is the right school for your family. To assist you with the process, we have personalized the admission process. Please complete below admission form and submit online to secure the spot for your child in the school. Please visit school office with your child and required documents to complete admission process. Choosing the right school for your child and family is a big decision. Whether you are seeking a change from another school, our admissions team is here to help. We look forward to answering your questions, welcoming you to an open house, touring you around the school, and introducing your child to a future classmate or teacher.
- Admission form to be filled as per the Aadhar Card. Incase application is incomplete, the admission form will be rejected.
- Written test will be conducted for classes from 1st to 10th
- Information given at the time of admission regarding name & date of birth will not be subjected to change at any time.
- Particulars given in the admission form will be printed on the ID Card. Therefore, you must be careful in filling up the admission form and submit it without mistakes. The applicant shall be held responsible for any mistake in the admission form submitted.
- Incase if you don't want to submit online and want to complete hard copy then download the application by clicking download application link on right top corner. Print the form and fill out and bring it to the school office to complete admission process.
- Once your child has been granted admission, you will be required to confirm the seat by paying the applicable fees as advised by the Admissions Office within a period of 5 working days. On payment of the fees, you will be given a receipt which will confirm your child’s admission to the school.