


At RF School, we follow the Telangana state SCERT curriculum. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) is the governing body of primary and secondary education in the state of Telangana. SCERT designs and develops the curriculum and is made available to follow in all schools all over the state. In our curriculum we incorporated other activities also to create awareness and spread harmony through social interaction, we organize various programs to develop social skills among children. Our curriculum supports the social behavior of children through activities such as field trips, events, get-togethers, celebrations etc. These activities help children mingle, share and bond together while making them socially confident and conscious.

Highlights of our Curriculum

1.     Child-centric approach that supports the development of the child individually as well as in a classroom community.

2.     Supports the overall development of the child through real-time, hands-on experiential learning.

3.     Encourages children to learn through experimentation, exploration, and discovery while building self-control and a positive self-image.

4.     Supports the special needs of any child while taking care of each child’s diverse cultural and linguistic heritage.

5.     Nurtures creativity by providing opportunities for unevaluated discovery while promoting tolerance and respect for each other’s creation.

6.     Facilitates physical activity and play by integrating movement within activities throughout the day.

7.     Builds positive relationship between teachers and the families of children to provide a consistent and beneficial experience for young children.

Primary & Middle School - 1st to 7th

Primary & Middle School

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly Insha'Allah.

The RF School has the best curriculum that is based on findings in developmental and behavioral psychology and educational research. This makes the students enhancing the opportunities for exploring and adapting their understandings. This approach shows that knowledge is best gained and retained when it is constructed.

Students develop both content knowledge and their skills in creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Important ideas include:

  • Student-centered learning
  • Assessment for learning
  • Standards, project, inquiry-based learning
  • Differentiation
  • Student engagement

The primary school incorporates myriad teaching approaches to ensure that lessons are varied, that they cater to different learning styles, that they provide sufficient challenge, and that they allow the students to feel considerable success.

The RF school curriculum is designed by focusing on all the developmental areas and in a way extension to the pre-primary curriculum. The curriculum includes a structured schedule for making every child learn and enjoy and also make to improve their creativity. This program helps the students to correlate the learning with real-world scenarios. The objective is to inculcate self-study skills in the students, an essential element for success in middle and high school.

The focus is on developing the basic concepts in core subjects (English, mathematics, sciences, Fine Arts, and physical education) through activities, projects, and work-sheets.


Our School’s English curriculum focuses on the development in four key areas of – LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing). The tools to enhance the development in the above-listed areas are guided reading program, role plays, show and tell, songs, drama, poetry, essays, story-telling, and short story writing. This paves a way for self-expression. The RF School , the Best Schools in Zaheerabad, encourages every student to participate in the classroom discussions. Our school is well-equipped with Language labs which enable the students to improvise on their pronunciation and vocabulary and participate in active conversation confidently.


We, the RF School try to make theoretical and mundane subjects like Mathematics conceptually interesting and fun-oriented. The students are taught and encouraged to go beyond the books and apply the concepts taught to real-world problems. Children will be very confident in handling problems on numbers, shapes, measurements, and data analysis by the end of their primary school.


Our curriculum enhances the understanding power of the students and makes the subject interesting for them. Children spend an abundant time in various labs (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) to verify and validate their axioms on various aspects of learning. Not only concentrating on the General Sciences, but the importance is also paid in an equal way to Social Sciences that makes students get aware of the community and the nation.

Fine Arts

Art and Dramatics are a part of the curriculum designed by the RF School to inculcate the art of expression using different forms and to nurture imagination which is an instinctive quality present in all the children.

Physical Education

Games cultivate a sense of sportsmanship and team. At the RF School the children are exposed to various sports – cricket, soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. for their physical as well as mental well-being.



The PreK & KG Programs at RF School provides a safe, loving, and organized learning environment of play, guided exploration, and hands-on activities appropriate to each child's needs. We strive to interact with students, parents, and faculty in a manner which demonstrates our love of God and one another. Our program establishes a preparation for Kindergarten in a manner which demonstrates a respect for the dignity and needs of the whole child: spiritual, physical, intellectual, social, and emotional. The activity rooms is stocked with Educational Play Systems, Toys and Games that help the little children to enhance their cognitive, problem solving, motor and muscular skills. The Pre‐Primary stage is the foundation of every child’s basic education. At this stage, the child is introduced to the basic skills of learning through the Play‐Way method. The subjects taught will be English, environmental science and Number Work, Hindi/Telugu/Urdu is introduced in the PreK3, PreK4 and KG sections. Environment awareness will be given through discussion, project work, demonstrations and excursions. A lot of emphasis is given on the Creative Arts and Physical Education. The school lays great stress on inculcating in its students, the cultural heritage and tradition by celebrating all important festivals through special assemblies.The science courses will be introduced right from Preschool itself to encourage the discoverer, tender minds. As per the need of the fast paced technology driven world today, study of Science ensures development of a logical mind.


The School creates a platform for children to learn and grow in a warm and challenging environment and have a cherishing experience. The RF School, the good School in Zaheerabad creates an environment where children not only learn but also love to learn. Our curriculum for pre-primary classes has been designed to nurture the tiny tots and develop their innate creativity.

The Program goals are aimed at the following developmental domains.


Personal, Social, Emotional Development

This domain develops self-confidence and helps the students to learn how to interact with friends and adults. This domain also displays a positive disposition to learn, cooperate and to respect the environment.

Mathematical Development

This domain develops the use of appropriate mathematical language, critical thinking/problem solving and perception process which enables students to expand their understanding of numbers.

Creative Development

Creative Development flourishes the expression of children’s ideas and thoughts by using a wide range of suitable materials.

Language Development

This domain develops effective oral communication skills, understanding of book awareness, and speaking clearly in complete sentences. Language Development displays the ability to enjoy a wide range of songs, poems, rhymes, stories, and music.

Environmental Sciences Development

Environmental Sciences develops curiosity and interest in the world around them by listening, questioning, investigating, and seeking assistance to further information.

Physical development

Physical Development enroots a body balance while tackling equipment or obstacles, the ability to use small muscles in hands and eye and hand coordination with making them understand the importance of some basic safety rules.

Knowledge and understanding of the world around them

Under the supervision of experienced and dedicated teachers, the RF School helps your child to understand and explore his/her environment and the physical world. We also try to inculcate them the basic technique of exploring, idea development, questioning and concluding their learning.

Cognitive Development

The RF School has designed the curriculum for pre-primary classes by introducing the mathematical concepts in a very simple and tangible manner that makes in concentrating on one attribute at a time and progressing gradually. This domain is properly planned for the development of problem-solving skills through activities, observation, analysis, and discussions.

Language arts and phonics

Language development is the main and integral part of our curriculum. Phonics is used to teach English in a structured manner. The main objective of this domain is to develop the children to have a habit of reading and speaking.

Dedicated Pre Primary Space 

The RF School have a space dedicated for the pre-primary section, a comfortable place for self-learning through creative books under the supervision of well-experienced teachers.

Physical and personal development

Physical and personal development is given paramount importance at the RF School as it is one of the most important aspects of the overall development of every child. This domain fosters the development of balance, stamina, gross motor skills, rhythm, concentration, agility, and strength through a variety of indoor and outdoor games.

Small class size & Individual Attention

For maintaining and developing every child’s attention, we maintain a good student-teacher ratio in every section.

Thematic learning through Field trips

A very important aspect of the curriculum, We, the RF School – Zaheerabad, a good school in town, provides an opportunity for our children to experience real-life situations by taking them for visits to the post offices, fire stations, aquariums, etc. thus enriching the learning experience.


High School - 8th to 10th

Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah.Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah.Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah. Thank you for your interest in RF School. We are honored that you are taking the time to learn about our school and would like to help you in the admission process. Please fill up the inquiry form below and we will get back to you shortly in sha Allah